Wopdpress and Geoop

Wopdpress and Geoop

Do you use Geoop for your job management?

Do you have a website as well?

Now imagine you had a customer on your website and they filled out your website contact or job request form.

Also imagine that you received an email notifying you and the customers details (address, name, job information) was inserted into your Geoop Job management system. You don't have to double handle information and your processes are all streamlined

Imagine no more. I was lucky enough to be asked to completed this exact task for Tom Martin from Water Tight Canberra.

We have developed code that can be used with any Wordpress or Joomla (any website really) website that will insert all of the customer information into your Geoop system. 

Generally speaking the cost is about $340. So if you think you waste $340 worth of your own time entering customer/job information into your Geoop system and this is something that sounds interesting please get in touch.

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Get in touch

We wont charge you for the inital project meeting. So really you have nothing to lose.

Fill out the form below with as much information as you can provide and we will be in touch with you asap to discuss.

Please type your full name. Also only allowing alpha numeric characters here. Why do you have all this fancy stuff in your name anyway?

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