Joomla Quick Icons

When we set up a website for our clients, we want to make the administration as easy as we can for them to navigate to relevant sections. The best way to do this is to add/remove/change the quick icons on the homepage of the backend.

To do this we must edit /administrator/modules/mod_quickicon/helper.php

Around line 60, you will see an array that holds all of the quick icons. Here is where we can edit the link, image, text and access.

	'link' => JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_media'),
	'image' => 'pictures',
	'access' => array('core.manage', 'com_media')

To change a quick icon, simply change the link, image and text to relate to what you want to include. To simplify, delete (or comment out) all the irrelevant links and only leave the essentials.

In Joomla 3, you do not need to supply an image - it uses a font that is made up of images and you can choose one by typing what it is on the 'image' line.

In all other versions of Joomla, you must add an image. Do so by putting the path on the 'image' line. By default, the images come from /administrator/templates/[template]/images/

	'link' => JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_media'),
	'image' => 'header/icon-48-media.png',
	'access' => array('core.manage', 'com_media')

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