Content Marketing 101

Content Marketing 101

So the latest buzz word in internet marketing is "Content Marketing" but what is it?

Basically content marketing is the technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

So in other words - Write blogs! Interresting ones! Put them on your website. When i talk to a client the usual conversation goes:

Me:"Do you have valuable information that your clients could use to put in your website?"

Client: "Yeah but thats our IP"

Me:"What is it?"

Client: "(Something super secret about their business process/service)"

Me: "Ok lets Google that...... Ooook here is almost the exact same thing you just told me"

So whats my little point I'm getting at?

Yes it will feel like you're giving away your information, i get that.

But in reality if i really wanted to know about something I could find it if I wanted to! The difference is if your client is on your website and you are giving away useful information. 

Which will put you in the position of authority on your subject.

Yes i practise what i preach, go to the development section of my website, in there (albeit messy) is heaps of code i wrote myself

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