Vision6, Joomla website and RsForm Pro

Vision6, Joomla website and RsForm Pro

Today we had to link up a clients website with Vision6. To complete this we used RsForm Pro #1 because it was already installed on their site and #2 because we can insert some php that is called on the form process.

Firstly you will need:
    •    A Vision6 account,
    •    API key -
    •    List ID - I found getting the id by logging into Vision6, pressing Lists, choosing my list i want to add users to and editing it. In the URL the id will be shown <--- 389160 is the id

Install RsFrom Pro ( and set up your form so it has the same fields (Name,Email, phone, etc) as the list you will be adding your users to (doesn't have to match exactly as far as i can tell). It is pertty straight forward process and I'm sure there is a guide on their website on how to do this.

After you have all your fields set up save the form. Then press the Properties button in the Left hand column there will be a button PHP Scripts click on it and you should get a new page with 3 boxes Script called on form display, Script called on form process and Script called after form has been processed

in the Script called on form process box copy and paste the following code, don't forget you need to change [YOURTEMPLATENAME], INSERTYOURLISTID and the INSERTYOURAPIKEY with your relevant information

// load config
    require_once(JPATH_THEMES .'/[YOURTEMPLATENAME]/custom_classes/api.class.php');
    $url = '';
    $api_key = 'INSERTYOURAPIKEY';
    // Create API wrapper object
    $api = new Api($url, $api_key, '3.0');
    // Enable request debugging
    // Call getSessionInfo
    // $result = $api->invokeMethod('getSessionInfo');
    $list_id = INSERTYOURLISTID;   
    //Add our fields to our list, these are found from as each fields name, if you want to view these just uncomment the line below
//print_r($_POST['form']) exit;
    $contact_details = array(
        'Email'         => $_POST['form']['Email'],
        'Mobile Phone'  => '',
        'First Name'          => $_POST['form']['Name'],
        'Last Name'          => 'Jones'
    $contact_id = $api->invokeMethod('subscribeContact', $list_id, $contact_details);

In your template  you need to create a new folder called custom_calsses

Then you need to create and upload a php file called api.class.php with the code below into your templates  custom_classes folder. The php file is included on the form process.


     * Api wrapper class.
    class Api {
        protected $_api_key = false;
        protected $_url = '';
        protected $_version = '';
        protected $_error_code = false;

        protected $_error_message = false;
        protected $_request_id = 1;
        protected $_timeout = 300;

        protected $_headers = array();
        protected $_debug = false;

         * Constructor
         * The hostname used to log into the API is the same hostname which appears in your browsers address bar
         * after you log into the system.
         * Please refer to the documentation for instructions on how to generate an API key.
         * @param   string  $url        API endpoint URL. Usually "http://<your_login_hostname>/api/jsonrpcserver".
         * @param   string  $api_key    Unique key which identifies you to the system. Keep this secret.
         * @param   string  $version    The version of the API to use for all requests.
        public function __construct($url, $api_key = false, $version = '3.0')
            if (!extension_loaded('json') && (!function_exists('json_encode') || !function_exists('json_decode'))) {
                $module_prefix = (PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX === 'dll') ? 'php_' : '';
                @dl($module_prefix . 'json.' . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX);
                if (!extension_loaded('json')) {
                    die('Unable to load JSON module');


         * Customisable error handler called whenever the API returns an error.
         * @param   string  $method_name    The name of the API method.
         * @param   int     $error_code     The error code.
         * @param   string  $error_message  The error message.
         * @return  bool
        public function handleError($method_name, $error_code, $error_message)
            // :TODO: Add error handling code here...
            // Change this to return false to handle errors in the calling code with Api::getErrorMessage() and Api::getErrorCode().
            die($method_name .': Error '. $error_code .': '.  $error_message . "\n");

         * Customisable request debug handler called when debug mode is enabled.
         * @param   string  $method_name    The name of the API method.
         * @param   int     $data           The serialized request/response data.
         * @return  bool
        public function handleDebug($method_name, $data)
            // :TODO: Add request debug handling code here...
            if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {
                print $data . "\n";
            } else {
                print nl2br($data) . "\n";

         * Call an API method.
         * @param  string   $method_name    Name of the API method to call.
         * @param  mixed    $param1,...     Variable list of parameters to pass to the method.
         * @return mixed    Method result.
        public function invokeMethod($method_name /*, parameters ...*/)
            $parameters = func_get_args();
            return $this->_invokeMethod($this->_api_key, array_shift($parameters), $parameters);

         * Call an API method.
         * @param   string  $method_name    Name of the API method to call.
         * @param   array   $parameters     An array of parameters to pass to the method.
         * @return  mixed   Method result.
        public function __call($method_name, $parameters) {
            return $this->_invokeMethod($this->_api_key, $method_name, $parameters);

         * Set the API endpoint URL.
         * @param   string  $url    The endpoint URL. Usually "http://<your_login_hostname>/api/jsonrpcserver".
         * @return  void
        public function setUrl($url)
            // Add API version to url
            $parts = @parse_url($url);
            if ($parts) {
                $url = (isset($parts['scheme']) ? $parts['scheme'] : 'http') . '://';
                if (isset($parts['host'])) {
                    $url .= $parts['host'];
                if (isset($parts['port'])) {
                    $url .= ':'.$parts['port'];
                $url .= (isset($parts['path']) ? $parts['path'] : '/');
                if (isset($parts['query'])) {
                    parse_str($parts['query'], $query);
                $query['version'] = $this->_version;
                $url .= '?' . http_build_query($query);
            $this->_url = trim($url);


         * Get the API endpoint URL.
         * @return  string
        public function getUrl()
            return $this->_url;
         * Set the API key to use when making requests.
         * @param   string  $key    The API key. Keep this secret.
         * @return  void
        public function setAPIKey($key)
            $this->_api_key = $key;

         * Get the API key used when making requests.
         * @return  string
        public function getAPIKey()
            return $this->_api_key;
         * Set the API version to use when making requests.
         * @param   string  $version_string     The version of the API to use.
         * @return  void
        public function setVersion($version_string)
            $this->_version = $version_string;
            $this->setUrl($this->_url); // update url

         * Get the API version used when making requests.
         * @return  string
        public function getVersion()
            return $this->_version;

         * Set the connection timeout used when making requests.
         * @param   int     $seconds    Timout in seconds.
         * @return  void
        public function setTimeout($seconds)
            $this->_timeout = $seconds;

         * Get the connection timeout used when making requests.
         * @return  int
        public function getTimeout()
            return $this->_timeout;
         * Set additional HTTP headers to send when making requests.
         * @param   array   $headers_array  An array of HTTP headers.
         * @return  void
        public function setHeaders($headers_array)
            $this->_headers = $headers_array;

         * Get the array of additional HTTP headers.
         * @return  array
        public function getHeaders()
            return $this->_headers;
         * Get the error code from the last method call.
         * @return  int
        public function getErrorCode()
            return $this->_error_code;

         * Get the error message from the last method call.
         * @return  string
        public function getErrorMessage()
            return $this->_error_message;
         * Enable or disable request debugging.
         * @param   bool    $enabled    Set to true to enable request debug output.
         * @return  void
        public function setDebug($enabled)
            $this->_debug = $enabled;

         * Determine if request debugging is enabled.
         * @return  bool
        public function getDebug()
            return $this->_debug;
         * Perform an API method request.
         * @param   string  $api_key        The API key to use for the request.
         * @param   string  $method_name    The name of the API method.
         * @param   array   $parameters     An array of parameters to pass to the method.
         * @return  mixed   Returns the method result on success.
        protected function _invokeMethod($api_key, $method_name, $parameters)
            $this->_error_code = false;
            $this->_error_message = false;
            if ($api_key) {

                // API key is the first method parameter
                array_unshift($parameters, $api_key);
            // Encode the request

            $request_id = $this->_request_id++;
            $request = array(
                'id'        => $request_id,
                'method'    => $method_name,
                'params'    => $parameters
            $encoded_request = json_encode($request);

            $this->_debug($method_name, $encoded_request);
            // Send the request and read the response

            $encoded_response = $this->_postRequest($method_name, $encoded_request);
            $this->_debug($method_name, $encoded_response);
            // Decode response

            $response = json_decode($encoded_response, true);
            if ($response) {
                if (isset($response['result'])) {
                    if ($method_name == 'login') { // deprecated, use API keys instead
                    return $response['result'];
                } else if (isset($response['error'])) {
                    $error_code = (isset($response['error']['code']) ? $response['error']['code'] : '?');
                    $error_message = (isset($response['error']['message']) ? $response['error']['message'] : 'Unknown Error');
                    if (is_string($response['error'])) {
                        if (preg_match('/^(\d+)\-(.*)/', $response['error'], $matches)) {
                            $error_code = intval($matches[1]);
                            $error_message = trim($matches[2]);
                    $this->_error($method_name, $error_code, $error_message);
                    return false;
            $this->_error($method_name, 6, 'Invalid server response');

            return false;

         * Post an API method request.
         * @param   string  $method_name    The name of the API method.
         * @param   array   $post_data      The serialized method request.
         * @return  mixed   Returns the serialized response on success.
        protected function _postRequest($method_name, $post_data)
            // Build request headers
            $headers = array(
                'Content-Type: application/json',
                'Content-Length: '. strlen($post_data)
            $headers = array_merge($headers, $this->_headers);
            // Create stream context

            $context_options = array (
                'http' => array (
                    'method'        => 'POST',
                    'user_agent'    => 'JSON-RPC PHP Wrapper',
                    'header'        => $headers,
                    'content'       => $post_data,
                    'timeout'       => $this->getTimeout(),
            $context = stream_context_create($context_options);
            // Connect and send the request

            $fp = @fopen($this->getUrl(), 'rb', false, $context);
            if (!$fp) {
                $this->_error($method_name, 2, 'Unable to connect to '. $this->getUrl());
                return false;
            // Read the response

            $response = stream_get_contents($fp);
            $meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($fp);
            if ($meta_data['timed_out']) {

                $this->_error($method_name, 3, 'Connection timed out');
                return false;
            if ($response === false) {

                $this->_error($method_name, 4, 'Error occurred while reading from socket');
            $last_status = false;

            foreach ($meta_data['wrapper_data'] as $line) {
                if (substr($line, 0, 5) == 'HTTP/') {
                    $last_status = explode(' ', $line, 3);
            if (!$last_status || count($last_status) != 3) {

                $this->_error($method_name, 5, 'Invalid server response');
                return false;
            } else if ($last_status[1] != 200) {
                $this->_error($method_name, 5, $last_status[1] .' '. substr($last_status[2], 0, strpos($last_status[2], "\r\n")));
                return false;
            return $response;


         * Invokes the error handler.
         * @param   string  $method_name    The name of the API method.
         * @param   int     $error_code     The error code.
         * @param   string  $error_message  The error message.
         * @return  void
        protected function _error($method_name, $error_code, $error_message)
            $this->_error_code = $error_code;
            $this->_error_message = $error_message;
            $this->handleError($method_name, $error_code, $error_message);

         * Invokes the debug handler.
         * @param   string  $method_name    The name of the API method.
         * @param   data    $data           The serialized request/response data.
         * @return  void
        protected function _debug($method_name, $data)
            if ($this->getDebug()) {
                $this->handleDebug($method_name, $data);

so on your website you will now have /templates/[YOURTEMPLATENAME]/custom_classes/api.class.php

load up your from on your site and give it a test, I found that it usually took about a minute before the user was added so be a little patient

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Get in touch

We wont charge you for the inital project meeting. So really you have nothing to lose.

Fill out the form below with as much information as you can provide and we will be in touch with you asap to discuss.

Please type your full name. Also only allowing alpha numeric characters here. Why do you have all this fancy stuff in your name anyway?

Invalid email address.

Please enter a valid phone number.

Enquiry Type(*)
Invalid Input

Please only use alphanumeric characters in your message

Invalid Input