Display RSForm Pro form submissions outside component

Display submissions outside of the RSForm Pro component.

There is probably a helper file in there somewhere for this. but here we go.

$submission->values = array(); //Create an arry to put all our submissions in 
$db = &JFactory::getDBO(); //Get Joomla Database
    SELECT s. * , v . *
    FROM #__rsform_submissions s
    LEFT JOIN #__rsform_submission_values v ON ( v.SubmissionId = s.SubmissionId )
    WHERE s.FormId =5
    AND v.FormId =5
    ORDER BY s.DateSubmitted DESC
"); // s.FormId and v.FormId equal the form id we want our submissions from

$fields = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($fields as $field){
        $submission->values[$field->SubmissionId][$field->FieldName] = $field->FieldValue;

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